But one thing is undoubtedly true about it. And so his present work does not contain any such alcoholic impact. But as the great writer of this masterpiece Swami Dayanand was a symbol of ultimate morality and spiritualism and was a sage of standing, he never touched a drop of wine. The lexicon (Oxford) says, Magnum, a bottle containing a certain quantity of wine. No doubt, it is a great literary undertaking, as the lexicographic contents denote. Satlok Ashram leader Rampal criticized sections of the book in 2006 which led to clashes between followers of Arya Samaj and Satlok Ashram and one person died in that violence.The Satyarth Prakash (The light of Truth) is the masterpiece of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. In short it makes people mould and better their lives on the lines which were chalked out by the Vedas and the pattern laid down by what is the best in ancient Vedic heritage, whose living symbol was the Swami himself. It contains principles and rules of conduct to all. It presents a charter of life at once sublime and noble. The major portion of the book is dedicated to laying down the reformist advocacy of Swami Dayanand with the last three chapters making a case for comparative study of different religious faiths

It is, in fact, the beacon light leading people from darkness to light, irrationality to rationality, irreligion to religion, and nescience to science. The book was subsequently revised by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1882 and has now been translated into more than 20 languages including Sanskrit and several foreign languages like English, French, German, Swahili, Arabic and Chinese. It is considered one of his major scholarly works.
Book written originally in Hindi by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati,Ī renowned religious and social reformer and the founder of Arya Samaj